What is a Civility First School District?
A school district in Island County Washington who through their school board, affirms the principles of the Civility First Pledge and who aspires to encourage and promote civility in classrooms, with employees and in community meetings.
What does a Civility First School District do?
- Have school board members sign the Civility First Pledge on behalf of the school district.
- Encourage schools, principals, teachers, students and employees to sign a civility pledge.
- Encourage civility within the school district and work to create a culture of civility among students, employees and the public they serve.
- Distribute and/or display information about the Civility First as appropriate.
What is the Civility First Pledge?
As a Civility First School District, we aspire to:
Value honesty and good will while striving to solve problems. Attempt genuinely to understand the point of view of others. Model civil behavior and tone, online as well as in public, by:
How does Civility First support Civility School Districts?