Lt. Governor Denny Heck (D) and State Senator Ron Muzzall (R) showed us it IS possible!
On June 10, 2023, the Lt. Governor and the Senator joined Civility First and our co-sponsors in Coupeville for a moderated discussion on navigating political waters and maintaining friendships. They discussed why our political dialogue has become so heated in this nation, how they deal with these divisions, and how they work to overcome these rifts and get work done for their constituents. The event took place in front of a full room and was expertly moderated by Kenneth R. Harvey.
If you missed the event, you can watch it here on our Youtube channel.
If you missed the event, you can watch it here on our Youtube channel.
Left to right: Moderator Kenneth R. Harvey, Lt. Gov. Heck and Sen. Muzzall. Photos by
Many thanks to our event co-sponsors:
Many thanks to our event co-sponsors: